Monday, February 6, 2012

How do I get OP?

OP are points or credits to feed the Automatic Pilot. When you use OP, your machines and animals will produce by themselves. You don’t have to feed them manually. Using OP also allows you to plant or harvest 4 or 9 plots in just one click.

There are various ways to get OP.

A: Buy OP in the Shop.
Go to the Shop, go to Farm Aides, and open the tab Automation. You can (spend RC to) buy the OP package of your choice.

B: Accomplish missions and level up.
The reward for some missions involve a number of OP. The same goes for the reward for reaching a higher level.

C: Exchange gifts.
Most gifts you receive from neighbors, can be traded for OP. Go to your Gift Box, and find the items that you want to exchange for OP. Then click “Trade”.
Hint: Some players even ask specificly for a gift they intend to trade!


  1. how to delete things dont want to put in storage like plots or other things

    1. Go to the bottom right corner and hover your mouse over thewearhouse tool, click the red X and delete whatever you want.

  2. How do I delete items off my farm
