Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Missions: Spring is in the Air!

Hi all! Here is a little explanation about the Spring Picnic Missions that have just arrived in Family Farm. This information may help you decide what tactics you want to follow in the game. We will explain the missions part by part. The missions will be in the game until March 18.

Harvest 35 Broccolis
Broccoli is a new seed. We haven’t yet decided if we will keep it in the game when the mission ends.

Collect 8 Frisbees
Here you have to collect 8 frisbees as free gifts from your neighbors. You can send requests directly from the mission panel. But the frisbee is also in the Free Gifts panel.
Attention: When you have successfully collected 8 frisbees, you have to click the Use button. Only after this, is the mission accomplished!! (The frisbees are then 'used' and are taken away from you gift box. This is normal.)

Buy a Picnic Set
No RC needed for this, just plain coins!

Produce 200 Beef Salami
This takes some time (5 hours in total if you have 1 Salami Machine and don’t count the time to make the Beef), but no RC. There is a nice decoration item in the reward.

Finish a Picnic Tent
The Picnic Tent has to be finished with parts (screws, rope and canvas). All parts can be requested from friends as free gifts. If you have a reasonable amount of neighbors, no RC are necessary.

Produce and collect 250 Pink Teddy Bears
If you still have the Teddy Bear Machine from the Valentine Mission, count your blessings. If you don’t, then you will have to buy and complete this machine in order to accomplish this mission. To complete the machine, you need parts. Most of them can be asked as free gifts from neighbors, only the 1 Filler and 3 Switches you need, are not. These will cost you 13 RC. However, the reward for this mission involves 3 RC, so you get 3 RC back.
Those who already have the machine, will also be rewarded 3 RC.
To produce the Pink Teddy Bears, use the Sheep’s Wool as an ingredient.
The total production time is almost 5 hours.

Wish all of you a happy Spring Picknick!


  1. Hello, I was wondering, it looks as if we are supposed to do these missions one right after another, in order, is it true? Or do we get credit for doing more then one step at a time..like making salami while our broccoli is growing, thank you, love the game! @}};;;---

    1. Hi Trinity. You have to do them in order... Good luck! :-)

  2. I purchased the unfinished picnic tent and placed it on my farm before closing the game. Later I reopened it and I was asked to buy another tent!?? Now my game is stuck on that mission and I can't go any further with this quest... what do I do now?

    1. Tina, please mail us your Facebook User ID number (or link to your profile picture), and describe your problem again in your mail. Mail to: familyfarmservice@gmail.com . Thanks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. family sex games are coool felica farmer lokks that she is sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy

  5. hi is it possible that family farm can do a PROPER quest guides so we can prepare in whats coming next and that way we can complete the 5 or so quests we have running simultaneously...i know its part of the game - the unexpected...but...
