Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Family Farm Is Hiring Ambassadors!

Dear farmers, as Family Farm is growing, Felicia is getting more and more overworked. She could do with some help. That is why Family Farm is looking for:

2 Family Farm Ambassadors

As an Ambassador, you would be Felicia’s eyes and ears in the field! Your work would be to:

  •  Answer questions of fellow farmers on the Family Farm Fan Page, the Forum attached to the Fan Page, and the various Family Farm Groups on Facebook;
  • Address fellow farmers to the FAQ on the Family Farm Blog;
  • Write postings for the Family Farm Blog and the FAQ;
  • Tell Felicia Farmer what the main problems and sentiments among the players are;
  • Pass on great ideas for the game from you and your fellow farmers;
  • Be a moderator on the new Forum that we are currently developing.

We are looking for active farmers that spend considerable time on their farm anyway, and would like to help us shape, nurture and grow the Family Farm community. We are especially looking for farmers who live in the United States.

Of course, you don’t have to do this for nothing! As a Family Farm Ambassador, you are entitled to a monthly allowance of 100 RC for your farm!

If you're interested, drop us a line to present yourself at Don't forget to mention your Facebook UID number!


  1. Am interested in being an ambassador for Family Farm. Couldn't find the gmail, but would still be interested.


  2. recommend andy jackson of andys friendly family farm group on facebook. he started the group to help others and dedicates most of his time on the farm and helping his neighbors. he started the group and posts documents helping others with the animals , and gear, he has posted documents in our group helping players understand the gear and what we need to get them to work. and can not think of anyone who would be a better asset for you to have on your team or who would have a better idea of what the players are wanting and questions asked. thank you, joan, proudgranny joan fleming.

    1. Thank you for those kind words Joan. I have been in touch with Felicia Farmer and I and now an Ambassador.
